The Neoproterozoic Lynchburg Group is a thick sequence of metasedimentary rocks exposed in the eastern Blue Ridge from northern to south-central Virginia. These deposits range from coarse-grained conglomerate to fine-grained mudstone.
A Resource for Information on the Commonwealth's Geology
The Neoproterozoic Lynchburg Group is a thick sequence of metasedimentary rocks exposed in the eastern Blue Ridge from northern to south-central Virginia. These deposits range from coarse-grained conglomerate to fine-grained mudstone.
Cedar Island is one of Virginia’s barrier islands that separates the Eastern Shore from the Atlantic Ocean. Barrier islands are dynamic environments that respond quickly to environmental changes. Over time barrier islands move, and their shorelines migrate. During the past two decades shoreline change at the south end of Cedar Island has been dramatic. Compare the 1994 […]
On July 1, 2016, Governor Terry McCauliffe signed a bill into law that made nelsonite the first official state rock of Virginia. The initiative for this project was led by students from Piedmont Virginia Community College. Michelle Stanislaus and her classmates from their Historical Geology class and Government class ran the petition for this law starting […]
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